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Questions to Ask During Your Hospital Interview - PNG Solutions

Questions to Ask During Your Hospital Interview

As a nurse, it’s important to make informed decisions about your career and find the right workplace that aligns with your values and career goals. The interview process is an opportunity to learn more about the hospital, its culture, and the job responsibilities. 

While you may already be familiar with the common questions asked during a nursing interview, it’s equally important to ask the right questions to make an informed decision.

In this article, we’ll highlight the key questions to ask before, during, and after your nursing interview to help you make an informed decision about your future employment. 

Whether you’re interviewing for a travel nursing role, per diem, or any other type of role, by asking the right questions, you can demonstrate your interest and enthusiasm, and ensure that the hospital is the right fit for you.

Before the Interview

Before the interview, it’s important to do your research and have a good understanding of the hospital and its values.

Start by researching the hospital’s website, mission statement, and patient reviews to get a better understanding of its culture and values. Then do some digging to learn more about the hospital’s philosophy of patient care and how it supports the professional growth of its nurses.

You also want to learn about the size of the nursing staff, the level of experience, and the opportunities for collaboration and teamwork at the hospital.

By finding out these things ahead of time, you can get a better sense of the hospital’s culture and determine whether it aligns with your values and career goals. 

This information can also help you prepare for the interview and show the interviewer that you’re well-informed and interested in working at the hospital. If you work with a nurse staffing agency, they can provide you with more guidance on what to learn about the hospital as well as what questions to ask during the interview proper.

During the Interview

During the interview, it’s important to ask specific questions about the role and responsibilities you would be assuming if you were hired.

Role & responsibilities 

Ask about the daily tasks, responsibilities, and expectations for the role. Find out how much autonomy you would have, and how you would be expected to work with other healthcare professionals. Here are some questions you can ask:

  • What are the daily tasks, responsibilities, and expectations for this role? 
  • How much autonomy will I have in my work? 
  • How will I be expected to collaborate with other healthcare professionals?

Patient population & services

Ask about the demographics of the patient population, the services offered, and the patient-to-nurse ratio. This information will help you understand the type of care you would be providing and the challenges you would face.

  • What is the demographic of the patient population? 
  • What services does the hospital offer?
  •  What is the patient-to-nurse ratio?

Professional development & training opportunities

Inquire about the hospital’s commitment to continuing education and professional development. Find out about opportunities for specialization, certification, and advanced training.

  • How does the hospital support continuing education and professional development for its nurses? 
  • Are there opportunities for specialization, certification, or advanced training?

By asking these questions, you can gain a deeper understanding of the role you would be assuming and the opportunities for growth and development within the hospital. This also demonstrates to the interviewer your interest in their future roles and your commitment to providing high-quality care.

After the Interview

After the interview, it’s important to reflect on the information you have gathered and make an informed decision about whether the hospital is the right fit for you. These questions are meant for you, not the employer.

Here are some questions you should ask yourself after the interview:

  • Did the hospital align with my values and career goals?
  • Did I feel comfortable with the culture and environment of the hospital?
  • Did I feel confident in the opportunities for professional growth and development?
  • Did I have a good rapport with the interviewer and feel like they were transparent in their responses?

By taking the time to reflect on your interview experience and ask yourself these questions, you can make an informed decision about your future employment. 

Additionally, it’s important to follow up with the interviewer to express your gratitude for their time and to reiterate your interest in the position. This shows professionalism and respect and can leave a positive impression on the interviewer.


Preparing for a hospital interview as a nurse involves asking questions both before, during, and after the interview. 

Before the interview, it’s important to research the hospital and its policies, as well as to prepare for commonly asked interview questions. During the interview, ask specific questions about the role and responsibilities, the hospital’s patient population and services, and opportunities for professional development and training. After the interview, take time to reflect on the information you have gathered and make an informed decision about whether the hospital is the right fit for you. 

By being prepared and asking the right questions, you can make the most of your hospital interview experience and find the best employment opportunity for your nursing career.

If you’re interviewing for a travel nursing job, check out this guide and learn everything you need to know to prepare for that travel nursing interview.

Ready to pursue a nursing career that moves you? Check out our latest nursing job openings!

Featured Image Credits: monkeybusinessimages/Getty Images

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